Jr Dragsters. Is this what our sport is becoming

I am wondering the same thing ??? I saw some unethical and illegal things this past weekend , I have been racing at this track for over 35 years and have never seen anything like it ..first off first round my opponent ( he drives a high 14 second 6 cyl. Mustang ) pulls to the side and opens his hood I just thought he stalled or something I figured I would just wait for him to get it started, a moment later he closes the hood and proceeds to the water box he beat me 007 to my 073 on the tree despite me being dead 0 good for him ! he was gone next round I never realized he was trying to' psych " me out , I guess trying to rattle me . The points season is winding down I guess he is desperate for points. Another example rules stay 11.50 / 7.35 must have a roll bar , 5 point harness and fire jacket they even announced 7.35 and quicker wear your jacket ! meanwhile there's a guy there running 7.20s no roll bar , jacket or 5 point harness even dialing in the 7.20s whats more he was there " diving "( lining up against her and intentionally losing so she could get the round points ) for his daughter. Every race day they announce " no trans brake checking in the pits " meanwhile our track announcer no less ( he also races ) is a few pit spaces down from me " brake torqueing " the heck out of his car like a half dozen times . I mean like 3-4000 rpm then releasing ! last week there was a heated argument by two guys over lane choice evidently they flipped and both wanted the same lane ! after holding up racing for over five minutes the starter said stage or you both lose! they did finally. A few weeks ago at a nostalgia race I was running my pickup in the slow class.. second time shot is a qualifier best r.t. gets a bye or lane choice . just before eliminations a guy with a car much faster than 13.00 ( low e.t break for the class ) he or the car lost first round in a faster class comes flying in to the lanes ( I doubt he even paid for the class ) for first round and sandbags his way thru 4 rounds to Win ( I lost third round but not against him ) really !! all that for a Trophy ? I wish I would have raced him I would have added 10 seconds to my dial and parked it at the stripe waiting for him ! I am not running points and am just racing for fun and to be there for their 5 pro dial races but its getting crazy!

First off your track should have written rules on lane choice. Second if the rule breaking bothers you go to the track officials. It appears you are letting people get into your head to easily. Calm down and have FUN.