A Discussion on Funerals

I had no tears for Dad when he died. My atheist sisters were so mad at me.
The tears came many months latter. like for 15 seconds, when it finally sank in that;
Me being a "Christian, Believing in Life Ever-after, and
Dad, an Atheist, not eligible for that,
I was never ever gonna see him again, unless just long enough to see him being cast into the Lake of Fire. That hurt.
Same with my atheist brothers.
Now Mum on the otherhand, prayed her life away to get me saved, and a couple of weeks after my Baptism, she just dropped dead. For me, that was a happy day, cuz her trials were over, and I'm confident that I'll see her on Judgement Day. My atheist sisters were so mad at me.
Since Mum and Dad are gone, and my two younger atheist brothers are gone, that just leaves my two younger sisters, so two more funerals for me, unless the Mrs goes first. Oh happy day.