Don’t Convert to R134a

There are dumber and less-dumb ways to do halfaѕѕed charge-ups of MVAC systems. Using highly flammable compounds in a system not designed or intended to contain them is the (much) dumber way, unless you wanna die in a fire.

Using other-than-appropriate nonflammable compounds is the less-dumb way: Part I, Part II. (dude's entire channel is a time-suck if you like watching and learning from people who know WTF they're talking about/doing as they refurbish old obsolete machinery)

Remember, if there is anything other than a legitimate A/C refrigerant (R12 or R134a) in your system, you are 100% on your own for repairs; no shop you would want anywhere near your car will touch a system with anything else in it, or if they will, it'll come with a hefty
Im responding to this post because it’s the most inflammatory (lol)

I just have one question. Do you ever plan to buy a refrigerator made after 2022? Or eat in restaurant with a walk in cooler?
I’m only asking because r600 and r290 are propane and butane based refrigerants.. (everything is moving to this for environmental reasons)
and these are used in applications where open flame burners and vats of boiling oil are commonly placed in close proximity to them. Food for thought from a dumb guy..