Petronix Electronic Ignition Any Good?

Not A Happy Camper ! Ok the latest, received the replacement Pertronix II module, was missing the thermal paste that you need to put on the module before you install it. Did some checking was able to buy some at Best Buy, installed module not real hard but you do need to pull the dist. reinstalled the dist. had everything marked as to where the rotor was pointing and where the vacuum advanced unit was so it would be close to the correct timing to start, cranked it over fired up, However seemed like not firing on all cylinders as if the firing order was off. So checked 2 times the firing order of the spark plug wires, then pulled the spark plug wires out of the cap one at a time, did not like the way I had installed the connecters on the spark plug wires so redid all 8 of them used die electric grease, crossed my fingers hoping that all would be good, started car , ran just as bad as before, tried to adjust timing advanced/retard, did not smooth out the engine running , car sounds like a hit and miss engine!!,if you try to give it some throttle, it just would not take it, speed up that is.
The only good is that now it seems to want to stay running as before it would run then just shut down.

Really at a loss as to what to try next!!