No headlights, fusible link at bulkhead melted…

The fuse link should pretty much kill ALL power into the interior. That is in the main battery feed to the ammeter.

You need to find out WHY

One way to not burn the car down is to find an old headlamp, or stop/ tail lamp socket, and wire an 1157 or headlamp in series with the main battery ground. They you can pull fuses, and the lamp will light if there is a load turned on, or a short, and will protect everything from being burned down

Do NOT forget the main charging wire from the alternator, and the alternator itself.

Remember, too, that the ammeter wires are red and black and BLACK IS NOT GROUND.

If you do not have a diagram or shop manual, run over to and download a free service manual. You may have to sub Plymouth vs Dodge, etc.

Here is a simplified diagram from MADD Electrical concerning primary power varies year to year, but it shows the general plan. Power from the batt goes through the RED, fuse link, through the bulkhead connector, and to the ammeter. Through the ammeter, out on BLACK, and a few inches from the meter, a WELDED SPLICE branches off to feed the fuse panel hot buss, the key, the headlights ONLY power to the light switch.