Solid wire ignition

**'We' digress, folks. This is not a question about inductance, capacitance, 'choking' spiral wounds or the like. This is not a question about the use of grounded or un-grounded Nology wires. This is not a question about generated noise and its limitation. The question is stated in the first sentence. I appreciate an interest and/or willingness of some to help isn't helping. **

Anyone here use solid **edit-multi-stranded solid** ignition wires with an FBO HRR688 box? Your results?

...throw in, '...with non-resistor plugs and non-resistor plug caps'.

Clearly, I am older than I thought. I've run wire-wire plug leads forever, also non resistor plugs and non resistor caps. Now I'm reading/hearing...'You can't do that with electronic ECUs/distributors.' Evidently, in my case, the past handful of decades didn't really happen.

I do understand the liability of the matter. Say, 'You cannot!' use something in a particular fashion because it might maybe could sort'a cause a just say, 'No!'

I'm not asking that. I'm looking for the eating of the puddin' being proof enough (to me) that a configuration works...or does not.
