AFB Tuning

- Much easier to change jets than add or remove metal from the velocity valves [ VVs ] ...especially if you have removed too much metal & you have to put the metal back....
- a bog/hesitation on opening the throttle is rarely, if ever, a rich bog.
- there is a low speed or 'starter' port on the secondary side of many AFBs that use VVs. I believe that is what post #24 is referring too.
- having worked on AFBs for decades & I came across something I was unaware of. Y'day I installed a 625 Competition Series AFB #4758 on a 360 engine. I noticed that this carb had an additional port above the low speed port mentioned above. Did not have the carb apart, so not sure if this port was drilled through [ active]. Anybody have any info on this?