Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

I know I’ve asked you guys this before but what insurance do you guys carry and what is the appropriate cost per month or year. (Carry and use insurance) Why do you prefer this company. I carry everywhere I go from church to Walmart so I know it’s something I should have. Not sure if I told you guys this but I got pulled over for an expired inspection sticker a couple months ago and hands on wheel
I told him I had a pistol in my right pocket. He thanked me and went on to give me a written warning. He said if more pull-overs went like this the world would be a better place.
John, there is a multitude of options for carry insurance. But fundamentally there is about three gorillas in the room. By far the largest with the most options is USCCA, you can customize the coverage to exactly what you want, and their training resources is where they really shine. USLawshield is not quite as large but still a big dog. Again you can select the level of coverage you prefer, they do not have anywhere near the training and education resources that USCCA has but arguably if you only want insurance and no education they are a bit more competitive on price point and again arguably better level of coverage if you read the fine print. There is also attorneys on retainer which is a dark horse if you will but growing. It really comes down to what kind of coverage you want and where. Our group of instructors are pretty evenly split between USCCA and USlawshield, edge going to Lawshield. We all have to carry a bit different coverage due to being trainers, than the typical carry insurance guy. With regard to our students I would say USCCA easily wins out as most popular. While I do not sell insurance or get any kind of referral compensation I always and I mean always stress to my students the importance of having the insurance and the education to navigate both a routine traffic stop while carrying and also how to navigate the aftermath of a defensive shooting regardless of who they select. The point here is if you carry you need the insurance. Apologies this got so long winded.