Manifold Vacuum Advance what am I not getting?

All this bickering is makin you both look like three year old turds. Cut it out. It's not helping the OP at all. We all already know how little both your dicks are. You wouldn't be arguing otherwise.

Not at all RRR. I will continue to expose the stupidity of building engines that need timing curves like that.

The OP and everyone else deserve to know it isn’t the correct way to do it, even though it’s done so much now it’s the de facto build philosophy.

I just get tired of trying to even discuss anything with the guy. It’s impossible for him to consider that just because someone wrote a book and said “do this” doesn’t make it right.

And for the record, I said what I would do. And I said I would use MVA or a programmable ignition.

And yet he still argues because I say it’s wrong to do a build like that.

I stand by that. It’s the wrong way to build an engine.

It’s no different than telling people to buy once and cry once over their cooling system. If you don’t show math equations you aren’t smart enough to say anything.

Tesla had the perfect quote for that.