Thread missing? 8-3/4 housing end as welded for shortened housing...

I've been fortunate enough to have had my gold membership gifted for the last few years and I greatly appreciate it. If that doesn't happen again, I'll gladly reup my membership. To refuse going gold for reasons like this would be dumb, IMO. Like I said, it's not my site and it's not my rules. That doesn't mean I have to like everything either. By and large this is the best Mopar site on the net and probably the best automotive site. I consider myself having friends here, even if they don't consider me one. I've learned a lot and I've tried to help a lot. So to me it's worth it. Joey runs some great sites and the mods do a great job. We don't and won't always agree with everything they do, but that doesn't mean they don't work hard.