Thread missing? 8-3/4 housing end as welded for shortened housing...

There was good info from a lot of people that know it wasn't a big issue. He didn't ask for the housing to be straightened, not on the vendor. The guy at vendor gets the axle and a work order and goes about his job. That axle will work fine and to say the vendor did bad work, nope. If I was doing the work, I would ask if the axle should be straightened if it was out. Do you want to drop the extra $150 to have it done? Most of the time the answer is NO, as long as the result will work OK. That's what the OP got. It is fine and adjust it in the car for square.

Shim the front spring perch to align track, make an offset bushing for the axle housing perch to align, lots of ways to get it tracking dead straight if you want to put in the work and effort. These cars were built bent. When you do a mini tub and one side has 3/8-1/2" more space for tires, yep, everything is square. :)

Backbrace 8.75's all you want, they still get bent. It just moves the location of the bend to the outside the braced area. I've got a Dana out of an old pro stock/CE car... it ain't straight either!