Cam swap without pulling motor

Cam is out. Looks like a purple shaft 284 duration. I can’t see any abnormal wear on the cam or lifters. I guess my measurements from a few days ago were off a little. Still too big of a cam for smog motor I would think.
no me gusta. even with stall and gears that's a terrible cam for a truck and even more so with a wheeze bag 8:1 smogger 360

i know that i'll get absolutely dragged for this, but i'd go small. MP used to make the P4452757 which is .410/.425 248/256 110* which yes, i know is smaller than a stock 360 4bbl cam, but is absolutely the cats *** in this kind of motor.

without addressing the compression issue, i'd firmly be in the camp of sub .450 lift, under 260 duration, and less than 114 (110~112 ideal).