What would it take to make 1.44 lbs-ft per cid ?

Whatever he did he was making more power with less air.....
Highly doubt it, I'm pretty sure one of those chev engines had a VE of a 116% so he was getting air in, I'm sure the Dodge was similar and you don't turn a 371 to like 8000 rpms without moving air. Hp is mostly airflow.
.In other words what ever he did it created greater efficiencies.
Efficiency ain't everything, we live in a world of cheap relatively inefficient hp, you could easily out do these engines in a afternoon with a catalog and a credit.

Don't make these engine any less impressive but it not the only way and it's really not the most popular way to make power.

Look at this thread very few care or see no point in trying to build higher lbs-ft per cid.
Pretty sure I've read it and others from the local library, when I was 12, probably make more sense to me now.