New Windows Operating System

I hate windblowd. I used to know Xtra Putrid pretty fair, and barely got to know sleven. But when H ate, teHEN and whatever is now came along, I pretty much quit

I have used Linux for everything I can now since XP went obsolete. I use mostly Mint and sometimes Ubuntu, and almost exclusively "Mate" desktop.

Also, littlebill has made it incredibly difficult with probably 8, and certainly 10/11, to dual boot them with Linux. This was fairly easy with 7
We haven't gone Linux at home yet, but our current "online" computer is getting somewhat long in the tooth, and will need replacing soon. I'm NOT going Windoze again, and I'm not an Apple fanboy, so I've been considering Linux, but other than the name, and the fact that it's Open Source, I know little to nothing about it.

Any words of advice for someone like me/us?