New Windows Operating System

We haven't gone Linux at home yet, but our current "online" computer is getting somewhat long in the tooth, and will need replacing soon. I'm NOT going Windoze again, and I'm not an Apple fanboy, so I've been considering Linux, but other than the name, and the fact that it's Open Source, I know little to nothing about it.

Any words of advice for someone like me/us?
Linux can be an effort. In my opinion, there are too many people stirring the pot. They call it "flavors." I cannot even NAME all the variations that pop up. But Ubuntu is very popular, and Mint is a related spin off from Ubuntu. Sometimes I like one, sometimes the other. It depends on that version what is included, and sometimes probably does not matter. Within Ubuntu/ Mint, there are different desktop styles. I use Mint because it seems to mimick the older windows 98/XP/ simplified 7 layout.

DOWNSIDES. Sometimes you have to play to get software installed. You have to learn to search online sometimes for hints and such. But I am no computer expert, and I make it work.

Sometimes software is a bit frustrating, because of some of the names, which mean nothing. A popular (and it's cross platform) photo editor is "GIMP" which makes no real sense unless you know what it stands for. Stuff like that.

But I use it and generally like it. If crashes very seldom. It's easy to shut off updates so that YOU can control them.
I use mostly Firefox browser, and in my particular case I don't use ANY email software. I use the web based version of and for both my emails. I used to also use gmail and abandoned it, pretty much.

I used to set up dual boot a lot with XP or Windows sleven, but 8/10/11 have made that more complicated.

Another thing I do whether windblows or Linux, is I have a SEPARATE physical hard drive with NO OS that I use to store EVERYTHING. Only the OS and immediate operating files and imediately accessed files that I have not had time to move, are on the "OS" drive. That way, if I have a problem, or want to upgrade, I can pull the storage drive out and go screw with the "OS" drive until I get it happy