LA 360 - 0.030" Undersize Main Bearing Clearance Questions

I personally wouldn't have a problem running this crank if the clearances checked out. The egg and taper are well within spec, the journals are in great shape, the old bearings looked good and the crank spins easy in the block. Before I bought this engine, it made 80 lbs of oil pressure at ~3000 RPM (tested it with a drill, priming rod and mechanical gauge). You're both right IMO. I think the crank is otherwise fine, it just doesn't have the oil clearances necessary for running it hard and grinding off a thousandth for the extra clearance is a difficult task. Sounds like it can be done, but that could also get screwed up and then I'm really in trouble. Seems like this would work fine in a milder, purely street build.

I think a new crankshaft is really the only option here for me. Now the question is, which is the best avenue to go about getting a "new" crank? What's everyone's opinion of a recently purchased Scat or Eagle cast cranks? How much machine work is generally required to get them in a usable state? I can have one of either shipped out from Summit today for $380-$390. I'd probably have it by Tuesday. There are also "crankshaft kits", however the ones I've found are all reman and cut at least 0.010 in. There's also no guarantee that you get a 0.010 in. undersize crank. I reached out to a couple of suppliers last night and they both said I could end up with a 0.020 in. or 0.030 in. crankshaft, which could put me right back in my current position depending on how good the machine work is. Seems like a gamble, which makes me lean back towards just getting a Scat or Eagle crank from Summit. The other possibility is that I could go hunting in the local salvage yards. Based on what I've read, a crank out of a newer 5.9 Magnum would work. Plenty of those in the salvage yards around here and I could probably fish a crankshaft out of there for ~$50. There's even a 50% off sale at the Mesa Pull-N-Save tomorrow....:)