What sort of crazy ignition gimmick is this?

I'm getting my newly acquired 1973 Duster ready to start up again, and part of that is taking off all the stupid junk the previous owner put on. He obviously had access to a J.C. Whitney catalog, and more money than brains. Among the things this car has are:

1. Rear air shocks with an on board air compressor that still runs when the button is pushed.
2. An add-on cruise control system.
3. Under front bumper KC headlights, because you never know when the 2 much bigger stock headlights just won't be enough light.
4. A 3 layer insulated fuel line from the pump to the carburetor, with plastic, fiberglass, and aluminum foil levels.
5. A silver box on the firewall that I haven't even identified yet as to what it does. Haven't tried to open it yet.

Then there's this gimmick. It has 2 power transistors and heat sinks, so it definitely does something involving power. The only wires leading to or from it go to each side of the ignition coil. 2 wires to one side, 2 to the other. I'm guessing it has claims of MORE POWER MORE MILEAGE in its advertisements.

It also has a red button, is the button supposed to be pushed in or left out for the car to run?

Ever seen one of these?

Ignition 1.jpg

Ignition 2.jpg