LA 360 - 0.030" Undersize Main Bearing Clearance Questions

Me, personally have never had to have a crankshaft turned more than 0.010 ".

So you don’t know if more than that has any adverse issues but you are SURE anyone doing it is wrong?

Got it.

This goes back to the rear main seal issue Dan.

Most of the time it’s pretty easy to verify something I say. A phone call to Felpro would have gotten you the exact same information I got in 1995.

Then you’d know.

Want to hear another wives tale? Some guys refuse to use a gasket under the oil pump. I say you ******* A better have a gasket in there. And the professional arguer’s come along say that’s bullshit.

So I took time out of MY day to sit through a webinar put on by PERA where a Melling engineer spoke about OEM type oil pumps.

So I asked the guy giving the webinar if it mattered if you use a gasket or not.

He said there is never a reason to NOT use a gasket between the pump and cap. EVER.

And yet and still there are guys on this very forum who will argue to the DEATH they don’t use them and won’t.

You need to rise above their ignorance and learn from people in the industry who take the time to go do webinars and **** like that so we don’t guess and do dumb **** continually.

In fact, I suggest you go to and look at all the webinars they have produced to educate people.

You can learn a lot watching them.