LA 360 - 0.030" Undersize Main Bearing Clearance Questions

D4rt ,

Thank you for the cordial response,,,,,I appreciate it .

Almost 3 clearance sounds pretty loose to me,,,,unless it’s a serious race engine,,,,even then 2.8 sounds fairly open to me. .

I try to keep my mains to around 2 ,,,big block or small block .
It helps the oil stay where it’s supposed to be,,,,,and the pressure too .
Have you done a complete study of all your clearance on each journal ,,,,at several different positions ?
If the crank is not egged shaped,,,,I think you should be good .
I have seen some cranks even polished a little different on each journal to make up for other issues .

I have seen cranks that were true even down to the tenth of a thousandth,,,,,now that’s close !
But,,,it takes an expert craftsman,,,willing to do several belt changes,,,,,and a good touch with the pressure .

It sounds like you are trying to do it right and I believe you should have a great engine when you get done .
