340 rear main seal leak/gush

No, I've learned the better way to do things.

Dan, if you learn only one thing from me, I hope it’s to not take MY word for anything more than a bullshitter on the internet.

Take my words for NOTHING.

What I want you to learn is question everything, assume nothing and VERIFY EVERYTHING.

Then you will KNOW you are doing the best thing at that time.

Things change and evolve, so what we do today may not be the preferred way in 10 years. Or 5. Or even 2.

So verify what anyone tells you. I do that by calling the engineers who do this stuff when I have questions.

Go to the website I posted and watch all the free webinars they do. You can’t pay for an education like that.

Another one is epartrade.com. They are well over 150 webinars now and the topics vary widely.

Go get the Taylor books, the two volume set read it. I can’t remember the exact name of the books now but it’s Charles Fayette Taylor. Look it up.

The upshot is just because I say something is the right way to do it, don’t just accept that as gospel.

Get on the phone and verify that stuff. From multiple sources.

Then you can go out to the shop knowing you’ve done your best to learn the best to be the best you can be.

Don’t take my word for anything. Always verify.