Advance and transfer slots

My engine has had 4 intakes over the years;
Initially, I ran the Wiand Excellerator then
An early factory Iron, then
An iron Thermoquad, finally
the AirGap. I painted it Orange like the Heads and Block.
and Gosh ,IIRC
these are the carbs it has seen;
AVS, TQ, and three Holleys; two 750s of which one was a V-secondary, and the other a DP, and I set up a 600 strictly for Fuel economy.
The 750DP on the AG is by far the bees knees; no contest. I got my AG just months after it was introduced.
I can't say if the AG helps with preventing percolation, cuz I never really had that issue, probably cuz the Alloy heads do Not have a heat Crossover, and those heads have been on the engine right from the beginning.

When I installed my 292, obviously I degreed it; But I also checked the 050 duration, and found it to be as advertised, which IIRC was 249".
That cam got moved 3 times in less than three months, for a total of 4 installs. It was just too big for 3.55s, which is all I wanted to run. That cam in my combo pulled hard all the way to 7000, and 7000 in 2.66 First gear was 60 mph. In Second it was 82, and in third it went to 113. Not exactly 4-speed/street friendly. I pulled it before the first summer was over. I ran it from 4* retarded, to straight up, to 4* advanced, to 8* advanced. I must say, that straight up with 4.30s, it was awesome!

As for the Adjustable PCV, lemmee just say that My engine has never needed more than the Factory system, with whatever valve I happened to have pulled out of the used parts box.
Before I would buy one of those Wagners, I would just install a fixed orifice in the line, for continuous evacuation, and make sure my breather is able to handle WOT vapors running thru it in reverse. Not a chance is it worth $130 TO ME.

Let's go back to the previous post, and have another look at where I compared my cam to yours.
"My timing events are;
276 intake/115 comp/104 power/286 exst/61overlap/ in@107
Compared to yours at about

286 intake/112 comp/104 power/290 exst/72 overlap/ in@105"

Notice that
almost all the difference between yours and mine is in the overlap. Yes you have 286 to my 276, but look again, I have an additional 3* of compression which means, your cam actually has LESS duration from TDC overlap to when the intake closes. Mine closes first.
So if your overlap cycle is not functioning 100%, your actual ingested air molecules could possibly be less than mine.
Now, the point is that our combinations from a cam standpoint should run very much the same. Which means that If mine runs on a factory PCV, so will yours ........ you just need to find one like mine, lol, which I scrounged out of a parts bin, so no chance I can tell you what it was originally installed into. daymn. Well, this I can say for sure; There were no PCV valves in that box from any BigBlock, lol.

I'd like to make one more point;
The harder your engine is working, the proof is in the vacuum gauge.
If you build two identical engines and the one idles at 8inches and the other at 11, all other things being equal, something is NOT identical. My guess would be that one is working harder just to overcome internal friction.
The main contributors to internal friction, in no particular order, are;
the flat tappets , the valve springs, the piston rings, tight skirts, and windage. Well I guess we gotta include all the trans gears spinning in oil
In my engine,
As to tappets, I run them at close to zero preload
As to springs, They are Hughes 1129s I think, and my lift is 549/571.. So not much I can do about those except I flood them with oil.
As for rings, I run a Plasma Moly Second and a slightly loose top gap, and they are the fat-boys.
As to pistons; The KB107s were too tight on the first go-round, and while I can't recall what the clearance is anymore, I'll guess around 3 or 4 thou.
As to windage, I run 5qts of 10W30 in a 7qt roadrace pan,
with a windage tray, and a hi-volume pump. .
As to the trans, I run 50/50 dextron/85-90 EP lube. and I run a heavy factory flywheel, cuz I like the dump-it-and-go routine. I don't care if it revs slower. it's a streeter and how much faster than zero to sixty in ~5 seconds does it need to be.

Ok so, there ya go, more food for thought.