What sort of crazy ignition gimmick is this?

1. Rear air shocks with an on board air compressor that still runs when the button is pushed.
Oh yeah, baby. I always wanted an onboard compressor, operable from the front seat ........... in 1972 or so, lol.

and cruise-control would have been soooo welcome.

My cars usually got hi-powered Halogens, aux halogens above the bumper, and fogs hanging below.

One time; I was cruising thru the foothills on a dark and snowy winter's evening, on my way to celebrate Christmas at my folks, usually about a 75 minute drive from home; with my alternator working overtime. When all of a sudden a herd of horses appeared in my lights! on the road!!
Well, no problem, a lil brakes and a lil sawing on the Steering wheel, and we rolled on by, marveling at the brutes running in the dark, all wet from the melting snow.
Without those lights, I'm sure I wouldda wrote my car off just then, and maybe killed a horse or three, and Ida had to sit in the dead car until morning, with dead and/or dying horses crying in the dark.
But worst of all, is that my wife and three kids were in the car with me, and in those days, carseats were optional.
Hyup, mounting those lights was certainly worth the time and money that time! When I eventually parted that car out, I kept those life-savers.