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that is beautiful... btw.. always get 2... it takes the same time to cook 2 as 1 and i zip lock baggy portions and reheat later :) For rub i tried a lot and i only use Plowboys Yardbird.. i buy the 5lb bags on amazon, i use it any meat i cook.. great stuff.

And yeah, i actually do butts from 375-400 when i do it.. i got sick of 14 hour cook times at 225.. bah... wish i had picked up a couple now :)

I have an amazing bbq sauce recipe if you want it some time.. best sauce i have ever had.. I bought a rub recipe off a guy and he threw in the sauce for free, the rub sucked.. the sauce is amazing
Good video, kills me how those that have done so many don't even use a temp probe, guess you can "read the meat". He did 275, I'm going to try 350 even though his cut looked larger than the one I have. If you have time please send me that BBQ sauce recipe, think we're going to do pulled pork on bun