Here's the second mystery electrical box under the hood of my '73 Duster

For Part 2 of our "What the hell is this" series, this as yet unidentified aluminum box is bolted to the firewall of my '73 Duster. It has a manifold vacuum line going to it, and white power wires to several small relays near the battery, and I have no idea what this thing is supposed to do.

Look at the components and soldering. As a former electronics tech years before I got into I.T. / Data Center work, this has got to be the most incompetent amateur hour soldering and component placement job I have ever seen. A 5th grader could do better than this!

It looks to me like some sort of do-it-yourself kit, to build and install.

Notice the blue / grey twisted pair of wires below the aluminum box. They come across the firewall and just hang down here, attached to a square piece of metal, like an induction coil / transformer coil. But they don't go anywhere else! They go to the coil, wrap around it about 6 times, on one side, and that's it. Just hanging down by the transmission dipstick, not connected to anything.

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THe relays are probably for the extra headlights you mentioned. The box full of electronics? A short wave radio may be! LMFAO