Cheap lifts?

The problem with concrete is.....and I don't care who pours it, there are always some thin spots, because air gets trapped here and there. With "only" a 4" pour, you're taking a chance. My suggestion is, get the lift. Locate where you want the posts. Then cut the concrete out where the posts will be, dig it out to 8 full inches and make two new pours for your post anchors. Minimal cost compared to a whole new slab and you won't be possibly risking your life. Even a full 4" pour IMO is not enough, I don't care what "experts" say, because it's MY life.
You are correct - unless you were there and insured the ground was raked smooth before the pour, you never quite know if there could be thin spots/areas just due to uneven ground. I was sure nervous so I measured the concrete thickness as each hole was drilled for my lift. The concrete was not as thick as I had spec'd (9") but the thinnest was 6-1/2" and went up to 8-1/2". My salesperson, who has been selling/installing lifts for 40 years, assured me it was good to go.