What's broke?

A finishing touch is required for the possible edumuhcation of future readers: I think my noise/vibration was not the transmission at all. It was my ignition coil. I was running a brand new Accel 140001 (big yell'a brick). My previous coil was the same make/model that I'd run for 30 years, was just looking for a 'freshening up'. The 'new' one completely puked and died. Well...the engine quit and it turned out to be that 'new' coil. After replacing it, it was clear that something else had been going on...before the mortal failure.

For all the folks that say, 'You should have known better,' I'll just agree.

AJ-said said
Therefore, I would look to the engine FIRST before dropping the trans.

He was right. I DID as he suggested, didn't find a problem. It did not appear to be a hard-miss or a consistent miss. Call it, maybe, a sporadic mis-fire. Any way I look at it...I 'missed' it. Ha!

I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time for that. Seems I waited a year and spent a couple thousand $$ on a transmission that wasn't needed. Oh well. The rebuilt trans I got is certainly sweet...with all of a <100 miles under its belt.

Que sera sera