Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Well my little rescue Shepard turned a corner last night. She might actually live. I am very pleased. I reckon they call em rescue for a reason. I am going to start trying to get some weight on her now. At shy of seven pounds at 8-9 weeks she is waaaaay behind the growth curve. She was in such bad shape I want to go back to the rescue joint and get her litter mates. Sometimes I actually have to use my brain and not my heart. I think 8 Shepard’s might be a bit extreme! Hah! My Mal pup took her out into the woods yesterday and then left her. Jealous wench. A six pound fur all is not exactly at the top of the food chain on this mountain. Between the bobcats and raptors and owls she is in peril everyday she is so small.
