Don’t Convert to R134a

In my view, Propane and Butane are as environmentally safe as a Tesla. One thing goes wrong and you have a BBQ you weren't expecting.

Just to clarify a point, Propane and Butane are not Greenhouse Gases (GHG's) as they do not absorb infrared radiation and reflect it back to earth (at least in any meaningful way). But even CO2 is only a minor GHG in the grand scheme of things. Water vapor is by far the most important GHG and drives 70% of the warming of the planet, which is why we have a habitable planet to begin with. Clouds are the next biggest impact in climate change, but the climate models cannot account for clouds as they don't know the magnitude or even the sign of the impact of clouds. The reason that #1 and #2 impacts are ignored is that no one can control them like Environmental Nuts think they can control CO2 and therefore climate change. Wrong on all accounts. I don't deny that climate changes, it has been doing that for 4.5 Billion years and will never stop. What I do know for a fact is that mans puny efforts to change energy sources will not work, and due to India and China, and others too, CO2 emissions will continue to rise no matter what the Western World does.