Cam swap without pulling motor

I've asked this question for years and still don't have an answer (any answer good or bad)/ and the reason why I've never really liked a 360 and get really pissed when I see SO MANY 318 posts reduced to "ditch it for a 360"...
Why in the HELL did every 360 made come from the factory castrated with DISHED pistons?
Being down in the hole is one thing/ but then they dish them? I know even in the 80s the "heavy duty" 360s in like the heavier gvw 3/4 ton and 1 ton were even advertised as 7.x compression. Does that mean they were really 6.x? That would be the absolute last thing you'd want for a workhorse.
I don't know any better way to reduce power on an engine by dished pistons ,
other than to pop off a couple of plug wires .. yes the longer stroke of the 360 is usually an advantage. Usually. But then you put dishes pistons in to more than counteract that advantage?
The only thing any 360 (I have had) has done better than any 318 I have had was to pad the pockets of the gas station owners. I've never had one from new but I've also noticed that if I have to pull them apart the 360 has been more likely to be sludged up
Id really like to take a 360 and build up, see what I can do with one, but as built stock, there wasn't much to write home about with them