Rollback wreckers

96 aero nose ford with a 460. The 460 is what I'm interested in because I absolutely despise diesels (no offense) but I have had great luck with 460s in my other trucks.

Probably less power than a diesel but I'm familiar with 460s
Agree with JD, go over the hydraulics the best You can visually, that won't save You from a random hose springing a leak but We do what We can. Look the exhaust port/flange area on those 460 heads over real good & check for cracks, HD use tends to cause that, I've seen a chunk of the port & ear basically broken/separated only hanging on to the manny.
Heavy Tk. Registration is a good bit more expensive in PA, but not a deal breaker, not sure in Your neck of the woods. Insurance will depend on what coverage You want, My Insurer asks 1st thing will You be using it strictly for personal, or ANY business at all. The latter would require small biz liability of $1M(std. min. in PA), otherwise it is priced pretty much the same liability/collision/comp, but because of the type of vehicle it will probably be a commercial policy no matter what.
My '75 Ford FE powered boom & sling wrecker has liability only on it, commercial policy, only $377/yr. w/Erie Ins.