Last one to post in this thread wins!

Getting to the point of awake, one of my dogs got me up at 6:20 this morning, been to the park and had breakfast and coffee, but still a bit groggy. Good thing it's a long weekend.
I think I will get into the garage shortly and start tearing into the 68 Dart to see about fixing the oil leak(s). I knew it had a small leak in the pan that someone previously had tried JB Weld on, but last time I drove it I lost about 2 quarts of oil in a short time just driving around town. It left a pretty good mess on my floor too, so it's time to get it stopped. View attachment 1716285522View attachment 1716285523
Looks like the front crankshaft seal is pissing out a good amount and probably will change valve cover gaskets too. I have a new crank seal, and I was hoping that I can change it without having to pull the timing chain cover.
The old Dart is defiantly needing to be potty trained. LOL