SM Head Modifications on a budget

I'd use a set of templates and guidelines if it got me in the 280+ range with a set of edelbrocks.

The only porting templates I’ve ever had my hands on were the DC ones for stock BB heads.
They only addressed what to do in the bowls.

On most aftermarket performance heads, the bowls aren’t in need of much work.
Many are already technically “too big”.
Additionally, the SSR is usually already a big improvement over the factory head it’s designed to replace.
There isn’t often a lot of easy “low hanging fruit” like there usually is with a stock head.

My experience has been that it takes a fair amount of whittling to get a SBM RPM head to 280+.

And based off the results so far on the head featured in this thread, I’d say the SM’s do as well.

The areas I was referring to tidying up on the SBM RPM were limited to the port openings, where to me…….what action to take there is pretty intuitive.

As PRB mentioned, if there is a big mismatch between the seat ring and the bowl casting, that can be cleaned up or diminished some fairly easily as well.
However, my experience has been that that’s often not much of a problem area if you’re starting out with an assembled RPM head.