LA 360 - 0.030" Undersize Main Bearing Clearance Questions

The installation of the rear main seal was only a opinion. I noticed that you didn't answer the question that I gave you earlier, but that's okay.

No Dan, what you said was that was how YOU do it because some machinist told you that’s how it’s done.

That’s not what you are saying now.

What I did was point out what the people who designed this **** expected the end user to do.

And never ever have I seen an engineer in that field say to off set a 2 piece oil seal to make it seal correctly.

You have to fit the seal to the block and cap. Then you do not offset the seal and it functions like it should.

I guess I should explain how it came about that I got stuck going to this seminar on gaskets and sealing.

I was working for a production engine rebuilder boring and honing blocks. I could and still can run every machine in the shop. And do it correctly.

We were having rear main seal issues like a mother, and a host of gasket sealing issues. Warranty was outrageous and the owners of the company were crooks and liars.

So when the webinar came up I got drafted because I could run all the machines and I grasped what surface geometry was and **** like that.

So I went. It was worth it. That’s how I learned about fitting seals. Sadly, I knew guys doing it back then and it never looked correct to me. And it’s not the correct way to fit a seal, regardless of who does it.

That’s how I happen to KNOW that Dan. I’m not ******* guessing.

So what your particular machinist says means nothing to me. In fact, you should question him on WTF he’s doing it that way.

That’s what I’d do. And if his answer is anything other than I just didn’t know fire his *** and find someone new.

At any rate, I know guys will continue to offset seals because they don’t learn, they just build **** on superstition and old wives tales.