Pieces & Parts that have gathered

i think you've got a lot of the bits and bobs there to make something pretty rock and roll, but it really comes down to budget and pain in the *** factor.

as somebody that's always built my own junk on a beer budget, and currently going thru a "dedicated cheapskate" 318 build i can certainly see the appeal of hitting the easy button and ordering up a stroker kit.

the .60 over gives me pause, though. i personally wouldn't build a high performance motor at that overbore with the expectation that it's going to last a long time or not have a potential overheating problem. now i know some of that is mostly wives tales on overbores running hot, but the fact remains that there is less material there now and with way more force being generated due to the stroker the integrity of the block should be considered. for a standard, mellow build, i wouldn't sweat it though.

parts of the decision that should be considered are: do you want a six-pack? do you want to spend moeny? and most importantly, how are you going to use the car? a burger cruiser takes the build one way and something more of a driver takes it the other.

myself, i'd probably try and use all the bits that i've got (with the exception of the cams but that's a personal hang up) build a bomb proof bottom end and sell off the rest to finance the rest of the build or pad the dancing girls and opium fund.