Hurricane Debby now headed straight for Tallahassee

It passed us by to the east, had rain but not so terribly much and wind was not too bad.

But our ground was still soaked from an 11 inch downpour we got a couple of weeks ago and near daily rain since. One of our oak trees fell victim to the soggy ground and tumbled to the ground just after daylight this morning. More of a cleanup job than I want to tackle, so will probably pay someone to do it. How soon I'll be able to do that is another matter, since I'm sure all the tree guys will be busy for a while. At least it's not blocking the driveway.


We have been without power since six am, but when it finally stopped raining, I hooked up the generator, so we have electricity to our refrigerator, freezer, internet, computers and television. Maybe get full power restored in the next day or two.