What appened to the "Nats"

The Nats went to **** a few years back.
The good news is Jim has let someone else take over the management of the show and they seem to be doing a better job of running it.
The swap has gotten bigger than the last few years, and it's way more organized and less empty spaces.
Chrysler isn't coming back, at least not as long as Fiat owns Chrysler. That was apparent at Carlisle this year. Kudos to Carlisle for adding the autocross BTW.
The midway is suffering the same thing that Carlisle is, the big vendors aren't doing shows anymore. Vans and Year One have been absent from all shows for the past couple of years. They can do the same business online without the headache of dealing with shows. Outfits like Detroit Muscle and Laysons set up in the swap area, which I think is a good move on their part.
As others have pointed out, people get older and some have even died. There hasn't been a "Survivor" tent for a few years now. Mel passed away and Bob Malcom is in a nursing home.
Overall, its a better show than it was a couple of years back. It's getting better every year with the new management, so that's a plus.
I vend at three shows, Nats being the last of them. I still go because I still make money there.
I'm also planning on going to MoParty this year too. If I don't sell my Dart before then, I'll bring that down for the Survivor display. I'm curious as to how that will go. The guy who organized and put that on passed away just prior to last years show. There was a question as to whether or not it was even going to happen this year. It took them forever to get info on the website, whats it going to be like at the venue?
Don't give up on the Nats just yet. I think it still has a few more years left in her.