273/ 2 barrel camshaft options

Hey there, after some further digging, I see that you crossed this bridge back in 2016 so I hope I haven’t worn you and the community out with a rinse and repeat of the topic.

Would you be willing to educate me further on the process of installing the isky cam?

Have the machine shop install the cam bearings and the isky E-4 cam.

(No machine work of any kind is being done at this time, just thorough cleaning and reassembling)

Reface and use my existing lifters.

Any other parts that need to be replaced and or adjusted in doing this install?

This setup won’t hurt and or “over cam” the remaining components in the engine?
As of right now, EVERYTHING is going right back in where it was after cleaning. The only parts being replaced will be bearings and gaskets as far as block related items, as of now.

Again this will be a basic daily driver on weekends and the occasional cruise.

I appreciate your patience! Thank you!
If you have never built an engine before you should "read until your eyes bleed" on the subject. You will need the knowledge to do it right. Or, just have the machine shop assemble it for you. You can have the lifters refaced as long as they are good to start with and the shop that does it does the work properly. A good double roller timing set is needed and there are many threads about that subject here. You should degree the cam in to make sure all is perfect there. That procedure is something you will need to study and understand before you do it. You will also need to buy, borrow, or rent a degree wheel and a dial indicator. You can just install it marks up but not knowing if it's right or not. SOmething else the machine shop can do for you. If you want to do this to learn and may be build some engines in the future, study up before attempting any of it. If you just want to frshen up the engine for your cruiser, You might just want the shop to do it for you.