Big block oiling mods

One detail to check is the opening of the pickup tube .

Many years ago I read where that big block Mopars were bad about spinning main bearings !
I thought,,,,What ! ,,,,how is that possible ?

I finally found out how it could happen a few years ago .
I had modified the oiling passage for the pickup and the 90 degree bend at the pump .
I drilled and tapped the hole to 1/2 inch pipe ,,,,and I use a carbide burr and really relieve the inner 90 so the oil doesn’t lose much velocity in the turn .

Well,,I decided to reuse the pickup,,,,it was plenty big enough for our project.
I just cut the threaded end off and was gonna weld an adapter on the tube .
Lo and behold,,,,I found a real problem .
When they had threaded the tube from the factory,,,,,the inner arbor was not present to prevent the tube from closing in .
The inside of the tube was about the size of a #2 pencil,,,,,,no way to pass very much oil .

Anyway,,,,that has got to be a reason for some bearing problems from the factory .
When you have any old engines apart,,,,,take a light and look down in there,,,,you never know what you might see .
