Nicks Garage, 572 HEMI, Here we go....

Yeah no kiddin. No tellin how much that thing cost the guy. I wouldda done a complete teardown and inspection and replaced and repaired as necessary. It was beyond stupid.
None of that was necessary in this case if the seller had of put me in touch with the buyer. In the beginning of the video, they say they were told it made 750hp and then Nick says his dyno is conservative, and then they confess that they have the dyno sheets but they want to see what it makes. If they had a little bit of investigative skill they could have just looked at the top of the dyno sheets and seen all my info and called me. Oh and I know the seller would have provided ALL documentation including the detailed 4 page invoice with all measurements and part numbers and specs. Unless this was just a set up clickbait- hey let's ruin this guy's engine for views and I can make more off a rebuild/multi part series type of deal. Pretty sure this is BS for Youboob, but still probably hurt that engine for no reason. J.Rob