A Discussion on Funerals

I want to be created and my remains mailed back to Missouri.. Friends might be asked to chip in on the postage! Please send me Fed. X, the USPS will lose me! :thumbsup:
Having worked for the USPS I can tell you this, when remains are shipped, those are given high priority.
Everyone involved seems to go out of their way to hand carry those thru when they come.
When I was a carrier, I would make a beeline to the (usual destination) funeral home or to the family's residence. The mail could wait.
I can't remember a time when a Postmaster didn't actually hand me remains instead of a clerk (that was the norm for all express and registered mail).
I never, nor did I ever see anyone else, toss remains into hampers with the rest of the packages.
Hell, I've even seen other carriers have conversations with remains.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but if it did, they will move heaven and earth to find lost cremains.