Looking for help

Sorry, no longer doing this. Gubmint wrecked my good time by wanting me to pay taxes on anything I make over $600 on any cash app, venmo, or PayPal etc. I sold out of my battery cables and shock plates before it went into effect then stopped. I'd rather trade parts for what I need, but I dont need any parts. Gubmint will spend money on absolute stupid ****, then sniffs around me for crumbs. Ummm no.

Heres the funny thing about that. By them doing that, everybody loses. The suppliers I buy raw materials from because of lost sales. The gubmint because of lost sales tax on the raw materials The post office because of lost shipping for raw materials, and finished products. Even the salvage yards lose because I used to buy parts to refurbish and sell. I dont even go there anymore, and the lost sales tax to the gubmint from that too. So they think they are slick to go after peoples little side hustles, and in the end they **** the whole food chain. This all happened on Dementia Joe's watch. Thanks Joe, your a real human being. NOT!!
Yup..damn squeezing every penny out of us. America is great but at the same our politics suck.