ALERT !! Tragedy !! 67Dart273

No, Del Ain't dead. I won't get into specifics, because I don't want to get anything wrong, but basically he lost his house to a fire last night. I just got off the phone with him. He doesn't have any way of gettin on here now and he wanted me to let the few guys know that had wanted a copy of the 1974 service manual that that's not going to happen now. Del is a stand up guy so if he owes you anything, don't sweat it, it'll get to you. Let's all keep Del in our prayers. I'll update with more as I know it. Hopefully, he'll find a way to get on. If you need to get in touch with him, I have his number.
Oh no! That's not good news for sure. Let us know if we can help somehow. Thanks Rusty.