Is anyone rich here?

I'm a CFP and do financial and tax planning. Lifestyle is going to drive your ability to retire with that savings rate: debt paid off, lifestyle expenses, idea/vision for retirement, car parts/project. A number of factors to consider and without knowing your specific situation most are guessing or throwing out generic advice. If you have a good social security income at full retirment age, and it's not cut by XX%, you could be okay with that savings rate. Some of the tips here are good: use funds, not individual stocks; mutual funds or ETF's, both have advantages/disadvantages; get match in company retirement plan if you have one; use Roth 401k/IRA when possible; avoid annuities; treasuries won't get you there. Alot of good low/no cost broker houses out there and a lot of advisors that aren't just taking comission and genuinely want to help people. Definitely talk with a CFP (or other fiduciary) to get guidance; an initial conversation shouldn't cost you a thing, but specific advice and/or planning could. If you want to chat off-thread, feel free to message and I'll help however I can.