Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ok I need some body work help @Frodee @Bodyperson . As you both well know I am not a body guy. But alas the body is made of metal and I can work metal. I successfully forgot the tailgate was down and backed into a tree. Before I start going free range chicken please let me explain what my intent is. Critique as needed please. I will fabricate a piece to form fit where the two rectangular holes are in the apex of the dent. I will then bolt said piece to tailgate then attach some kind of mondo home made slide hammer rig. I will then slam the slide hammer pulling the tree dent out. Keep in mind this is a farm truck not a customer. I just have to make it tolerable to Jodi. I am batting a thousand this week since it is actually her truck not mine. My concern is the ridge or crease from the factory giving me grief? Do I cut a small incision with zip wheel perpendicular to factory edge so that it pulls nicely then reweld or do I just go for it? In my mind I do not see how the crisp factory edge can return to original shape with just the slide hammer? Thus my relief cut. And yes one of the bolts did not have enough shape left to unscrew without being creative! Thanks to all for any and all body work advice!

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Haha the photo bomber...luv it!!