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Jodi and I are about to have a sit down with our local farm hand kid. He is turning 18 and wants to rent the quarters on the range full time. I have some serious reservations but he has really turned himself around since he first started coming out here and helping me. And he just wants to graduate and go into the military. He works and goes to school. Him and his Dad have had some pretty difficult times in the past. I moved out at 15, worked paid rent, fed myself and went to school much like he has so the kid tears at my heart. Jodi says I am the worst for bringing home strays, dogs, people whatever!
Hey, you can relate to the kid and understand what he's going through. Free rent towards work/on property while you're gone at times might be a good thing for you while he goes to school. I'm sure Jodi can make the written lease look good. The kid sees you all as a positive in his life or he wouldn't be asking.