273/ 2 barrel camshaft options

Yea the rusty cam is a solid lifter cam, original. As of right now, I have not discussed nor do I know if the machine shop offers any lifter services. But I will discuss that with them in time.

Once I speak with the machine shop I’m going to discuss all of the groups suggested options with the machine shop for the comp cam springs, the 360 springs, the isky cam and the racer brown cam and timing set. I’m learning that bringing a 273 back to life can be “expensive”… as any build can be of course. But all positive motivation nonetheless. Thanks!

The 273's can ge a little more spendy to do. The pistons are more money that just off the shelf 318 pieces. The cam's and lifters are more because they aren't a generic off the shelf part. The rest is really the same. Pistons from Egge and Kanter (if they are still in business) and cam and lifters from Isky, Racer Brown, or have one ground by Oregon Cam are some choices.