I just got the nod from our financial advisor, and....

I can officially retire whenever I feel like it! Or perhaps more correctly, I can afford to retire...

Which is kind of a weird feeling....

But I'm at this weird "transitional period" (my term) where I can pull from my finances (over 59-1/2), but I'm too young to go on Medicare, and since I need health insurance from somewhere....

Lots of things to consider.

But that's not going to stop me from celebrating!

I contacted my financial advisor in May to inquire about my retirement possibilities. After the laughter subsided, I was informed that in 4 to 5 years I can probably pull the plug, unless I can reduce my expenses, (mortgage payments). I have been considering selling my house and buying something that I can use my equity, then have no mortgage or a very small one. Haven't found anything yet that my wife and I are in agreement on.

Congratulations Jim.