Never mind

Nobody asked for predictions. I literally asked for the opposite - actual experience from people who have these pistons.

Nobody can predict anything for certain, and I am not asking anyone to. In fact, I would prefer people don't try. But hearing other people's experiences is still valuable in determining whether the mock up is a worthy investment, or if I am better off going with a piston with a high probability of a good fit.

I don't have usable pistons right now. I have a block, crank, rods, heads, lifters, intake, etc. If I even want to mock up these pistons, I have to pay to bore the engine to get them in the hole for mock up. I am simply at a decision point - and actual experience of others could be helpful in deciding which way to go.
I understand your dilemma, but unfortunately there is just no easy yes/no answer to your question. Your EASY way out is just buy a cheap set of stock replacement pistons.