I just got the nod from our financial advisor, and....

I can officially retire whenever I feel like it! Or perhaps more correctly, I can afford to retire...

Which is kind of a weird feeling....

But I'm at this weird "transitional period" (my term) where I can pull from my finances (over 59-1/2), but I'm too young to go on Medicare, and since I need health insurance from somewhere....

Lots of things to consider.

But that's not going to stop me from celebrating!

Yes it is. And MANY here in the Mopar car site(s) are at, or approaching that decision time. But one thing we all have in common? Options is a good thing. I call them (Retirement Windows.) And as one works longer, and age creeps forward. That Retirement window gets wider.

I believe the top 3 considerations are

#1. Continued monthly income. (Including any SSA)

#2. Hard and liquid assets accessibility.

#3. Healthcare options.

And yes, they are moving targets. Where #2 and #3 begins closing the gap on priority as we age past Retirement decision.

So in closing? We are all snowflakes. Very different from one another. Even though have same goals and concerns. But my windows?

62 is first realistic window.
64 is a VERY reasonable compromise window.
65 is probably the smartest window to take.