Never mind

With all due respect, I don't need to be told what to understand. I understand perfectly that I asked a specific question and people who had no answer to the actual question chose to offer unsolicited advice I already know. I am not saying they are not intelligent and experienced in the subject at hand. I am saying everyone chose to tell me a bunch of information I never asked for.

If I could delete this thread I would. It has been a massive waste of time.

Well then I guess I will say too bad for you.

This is a public forum and you asked a public question.

Speaking for myself now, I don’t care if you don’t like my unsolicited opinions. I don’t care what you think at all.

Some very experienced people gave you good information and you **** all over it.

That’s a YOU problem.

So the next time you ask a question and you put it in a tiny box that you think will only get responses YOU want and then get pissy like you are now I will tell you the same thing.

Put on your big boy pants and don’t act like you know everything.